6 Foods that are Good for Mental Health
A big factor in feeling good in your own skin and improving your mental well-being is FOOD.
We are all for creating positive relationships with food. Did you know that there are certain foods that are good for your mental health?
Here are some of the best foods to eat for your mental health and well-being:
1. Bananas
This yellow fruit is full of ‘feel-good’ chemicals and thus adds to the amount of serotonin that the brain produces. To be more precise, bananas affect tryptophan, an amino acid that helps in the production of serotonin. In other words, eating bananas can help in enhancing your mood. Is that why everyone massively started making banana bread during the pandemic?
Side note: bananas are rich in potassium and moisture so they are not only good for boosting your mood, but also for hydrating and moisturizing dry skin ;)
2. Berries
Research shows that people who regularly eat berries are more likely to have better moods and fewer symptoms related to depression than people who tend to skip out on this food. These mental health benefits arise because berry lovers have higher life satisfaction and optimism. All berries contain a number of beneficial properties so eat more of whichever berry you like best.
There is one type of berry that deserves a special mention tho: blueberries, the absolute leader in boosting overall well-being. A half-cup of blueberries delivers plenty manganese which is a mineral that can diminish symptoms of depression and anxiety.
While bananas don’t immediately enhance your mood, eating blueberries can leave you feeling more positive and energized within just two hours!
3. Spinach, Kale, and other Leafy Greens
These plants also play a role in reducing the chance of depression as they provide the human brain with high levels of folic acid. Another great benefit of these greens is that they help prevent insomnia, and we all know how important good sleep is for our mental health :)
Tip: Adding these leafy greens into your omelet is a great way to incorporate them into your diet. Check out this recipe: https://isabelapam8.wixsite.com/my-site/post/omelet
Extra: For all the vegans in our midst: a healthy plant-based diet is associated with lower risks of depression, anxiety, and psychological distress in women.
4. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are good for a number of things. First of all, they contain Vitamin B6 which helps the body produce serotonin. As with bananas, this helps in regulating mood and coping with stress. Secondly, sweet potatoes are rich in magnesium. Magnesium seems to help reduce stress and anxiety and is often considered to be one of the best minerals for nurturing relaxation, calmness, and boosted mood. Plus, a magnesium deficiency can result in higher levels of depression and insomnia. Lastly, they are rich in potassium as well which regulates the heartbeat. This is helpful when you are stressed or anxious.
5. Cold-water seafood
Starting with fish, cold-water fish are beneficial for mental health because of all the omega-3 fats they contain. Think of salmon for example. These high levels of omega-3 fats are good for preventing depression and should definitely be a part of your diet ;)
Next to salmon, you can also switch it up with sardines, tuna, herring, oysters, and mussels.
Especially the last two are good additions to your meals. Did you know that they ranked highest on the Antidepressant Food Score in 2018? They are great for preventing or promoting recovery from, depression.
6. Yogurt
A healthy breakfast is always good, but adding yogurt to your breakfast foods is even better. Yogurt contains a probiotic bacteria called lactobacillus that directly impacts mental health. This bacteria lowers stress, anxiety, and depression levels and, to get technical, thanks to our gut-brain axis, neurotransmitters can pass from gut to brain freely while affecting your feelings and emotions. This also means that your brain gets notified when you eat something good, like Yoghurt.
Luckily, there are many more foods that are good for our mental health. Think of avocados, tomatoes, walnuts, whole grains, green tea, dark chocolate, chicken, and even olive oil?!
Thank you!
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